Biographical information related to my work
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Professional Qualifications and organisations
Since 1995, after the implementation of new legislation concerning health and safety in construction - Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994 - I have undertaken the role of Planning Supervisor on new construction and for remedial projects in modern and historic buildings. This requires a comprehensive understanding of design procedures, building science and materials together with practical knowledge of construction processes and post-construction maintenance activities.

I am required to consider the impact of legislation, associated regulations and codes of practice concerned with health and safety. In particular I ensure that all the parties involved in construction projects are aware of their duties, have fully considered the consequences of their actions and have implemented appropriate responses. I assess whether hazards have been properly identified and risks correctly evaluated and in due course ensure that appropriate and reasonably practicable control measures are enacted proportionate to the severity of the hazard and degree of risk involved.

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Publications and other activities include:
  • "Easiguides" researched, written and prepared for publication at the NBA as a free magazine 'insert' in collaboration with Building Design from 1979 to 81 (18 issues in two series).
  • "Easibrief" articles within Building Design written and illustrated in association with Sylvester Bone of Haverstock Associates (now of the Camden Consultancy)
  • Various articles on new developments in building materials for "What's New in Building" and other trade journals.
  • Member of a study team commissioned by BRAC (DoE) in 1981 to prepare a demonstration Code of Practice on Energy Conservation measures as part of proposals for a revised system of Building Control. Culminated in the publication of The Building Regulations 1985.
  • "Principles of Element Design", Second Edition; published by George Godwin, 1982. I fully revised, updated and expanded this publication in collaboration with the original author Peter Rich.
  • I was author and co-author with Peter Rich and Sylvester Bone of "Architectural Checklists" a series of six guides for building owners, designers and inspectors covering the primary elements of buildings. With comprehensive bibliographical and reference data, published by Henry Stewart Publications, London 1985.
  • Founder Member of the Panel of Contributors to "Facilities" magazine, a monthly digest for the building administration manager, Editor in Chief Dr Francis Duffy; (PPRIBA) published by the Bulstrode Press, London from 1983 to 1990.  I contributed regular articles for the magazine on new building products, developments in building materials, analysis and risk assessment of heath and safety issues associated with the use of building materials and building maintenance procedures.
  • In 1995 and 1996 I have been an advisor to The Building Centre Trust on a project to examine the implications of the CDM regulations for materials producers with BMP and the Interbuild Fund, and on the TISAS Working Party for the production of a CD-ROM containing trade and authoritative technical information with an associated Learning module for Schools of Architecture.
  • Contributor to "Modern Matters - Principles & practice in Conserving Recent Architecture", Donhead Publishing, Shaftesbury, 1996, par t II, Section 16, pp139-144 "Mosaic-clad concrete: recent research". From a paper given at the Modern Matters Conference, organised at the RIBA in London by English Heritage, 31 October to 1 November 1995.
  • 1996 -2000 member of the Steering Group for a DETR 'Partners in Technology' research project, organised by the Concrete Society and carried out by Taylor Woodrow Engineering Ltd., on "Moisture in Concrete & Performance of Impermeable Floor Coverings"

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December 2001
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